Monday, March 16, 2015


Hey everyone! 

This past week has been a whirlwind of emotions and amazing experiences! 

Tuesday-- we met Rocio! (I fell off her porch a couple weeks ago) we finally caught her at home and we started to talk to her and get to know her. We talked to her about Jesus Christ and being forgiven. She said she wants what we were talking about and we invited her to be baptized because that is how we are able to completely repent of all of our past. She said yes! And we set her with a date of April 18th! We invited her to read the Book of Mormon, to pray and to come to church and also the baptism on Friday to see what a baptism is like. She didn't end up coming to church or the baptism because she got sick... But we are hoping to go back and teach her more this week. It was so cool teaching her and talking to her just at her doorstep. She is so amazing and such a sweet 22 year old. That night we had an awesome lesson at the Romero's about the temple and it was so good! I just love that family. 

Wednesday-- we walked around a trailer park where we have a few less active members living and we were going to visit them, they weren't too happy to see us but it's okay! We talked to a whole bunch of people, trailer parks are gold mines. We then had a lesson with the Steedle's about the ten commandments and keeping the Sabbath day holy.It went really well and we read some of the Book of Mormon with them, and Andrew is excited to keep reading! 

Thursday-- We were running around trying to finish everything for Bob's baptism and get everything ready. We were also finishing up helping for the Relief Society dinner that night. It turned out great and super cute! We went to Andrew's and read a chapter with him and he really liked it! He is such a good kid. He wears his CTR ring even though kids at school make fun of him for it. :) What a champ!

Friday-- BOB'S BAPTISM! :) 
Oh it was so glorious and turned out so great! We used some of the left over flowers and decorations from the relief society dinner the night before so it looked so good! SO many people came and it was THE BEST! :) Bob was so happy and it was the best day ever!!! Happy day! :)

And then we got the worst call of our lives... the Assistants to the President called... dun dun DUN! They told Sister Dodson she was going to be transferred to North Bakersfield. She is leaving me. I am the saddest human in Bishop right now. It is so hard having her leave! We have become the best of friends. Kindred spirits :) to say the least.

Saturday-- We helped a new single sister move into the ward! Answer to prayers!!! We have been praying for people to move into the ward to help us out :) There were so many people from the ward there and it was so amazing to see everyone step in and help! So great! :) Loved it.

We went to the Smith's for dinner, for Sister Dodson's final goodbye to them. We had a great time with them! They make THE best food. So delicious. Sister Smith was telling us if Rocio needed her to go to church with her she would! (since they are the one's who told us about her and are super great friends with her and Brother Smith is like her dad). So that is how we will help them come back to church! :) MIRACLES. Prayers being answered right in front of our faces. So great.

Sunday-- BOB WAS CONFIRMED! :) He is now officially a member of the church and also has the gift of the Holy Ghost as a constant companion forever!! :) Yayyyyy! Happy day! Seriously it was so great. 

We taught Relief Society and that went well. We ate dinner at the Elkins and at the Romero's because we couldn't say no to them and they wanted Sister Dodson over for one last time! They are the best! I just love them so much! Then we said bye to everyone and it was really sad. Like super sad. 

This week made me realize so many different things, but most importantly just how blessed I am to be serving here in Bishop and to be surrounded by such wonderful people. I'm so grateful to be a missionary; to have the privilege of bringing this restored gospel to those who are searching for it. I've learned so much about myself, and others, but most importantly how much Heavenly Father loves all of his children and how much Jesus Christ loves us for sacrificing everything, so that we could return to live with our Heavenly Father. 

I know that this is the true and restored church of Jesus Christ. It is the only true and living gospel that has all the pieces to the road map back to our Father in Heaven and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Thank you all for the love, prayers and support. I love you all!
Have an amazing week.

With all my love,
Sister Loar

There is this bearded man... who wear's dresses around town. No shame! :) hahaha just some of the normal things that happen around Bishop on a daily basis.

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