Monday, January 12, 2015


Hello Familia! 

This week was great! :)

Monday-- We went to Mammoth and got to ride the gondola up to the top of Mammoth Mt.! It was super fun :) The Branch President in Mammoth works on the mountain so he got us free lift tickets. It was super fun!

Tuesday-- We had Zone Conference in Ridgecrest, and it was super good! We learned so much about faith, obedience, having the spirit with us always and being able to teach to our investigators understanding. It was amazing and I loved it so much. The spirit was super strong and everything that Sister Dodson & I have tried to do in the last couple weeks just made sense to us at Zone Conference. We were able to realize just why we have had so many miracles and why we have been so HAPPY despite anything that happens :) That night we met with our new Elders Quorum President, Bro. Elkins, and went through the whole ward list! It was awesome.

Wednesday-- We went to contact a referral we got from someone in a neighboring town. We met Bob, the referral and GLORY! We are now teaching him and his son Landon who is 10. He is so prepared to hear this wonderful restored Gospel! He has been SEARCHING. Everything we talked about, he was just blown away and could feel the spirit so strong! It was amazing. After I explained and testified of the Book of Mormon he basically ripped it out of my hands because he wanted it so badly! :)

Thursday-- We ate at Denny's with Sister Bartholemew and Sister McLaughlin-- They are the best, we love them so much! Then we had an AMAZING lesson at Sister Steedle's house and was able to find out why it is so hard for her to come to church. She feels torn between her family and church and so we are going to start working with the rest of her family and we have a dinner and lesson appointment with them this coming week! :) Yayayayyy! Happy day! And the spirit was super strong and it is just awesome. Her mother in law Deb is our favorite human! She is the sweetest and so hilarious, she doesn't even know :) We also had this interfaith meeting at the church with a bunch of other pastors and people from other churches and another church talked about what their beliefs are. It was super interesting, and it definitely strengthened my testimony and belief that this is the TRUE and restored church of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful we have the truth! :)

Friday-- We had Zone Training Meeting in Lone Pine and then exchanges in Ridgecrest. They went super well and it was fun being with the other sisters! I love how missionary work is awesome no matter where you are in the world :)

Saturday-- We returned from Ridgecrest, and we were so happy to be back in Bishop! We missed this wonderful smallish hilarious and amazing town. Love love love this place and I am definitely falling in love with the members and people here! Oh how I love them :) We had an AWESOME lesson with the Romero family! The littlest girl, Callie was so funny haha. She kept bringing out books and stuffed animals and giving them to all of us there during the lesson while we were talking. At the end we were surrounded by stuffed animal love hahaha :) when we took a picture of it, Callie like attacked me and gave me a big bear hug :) haha love that little saucy pot :) We played volleyball at the church with some ward members and BOB AND HIS SON CAME! :) It was awesome! We gave Bob a tour of the church and he was so amazed and felt the spirit so strong it was great! And volleyball was super fun too :)

Sunday-- Bob came to church with his son! All of the meetings were so great! we taught the Sunday School lesson and it went well! Thank goodness for the help of the spirit! :) Bob Shay, the recent convert passed the sacrament for the first time this week too! Best day ever!  That night we taught Mitch and Angie and I just love those two! I need to get a picture with them, I'll try to this week. They are just the best. Their testimonies of the Book of Mormon are just so strong and I love listening to them!

This morning our vacuum started smoking hahahahahaha so we took it apart and finally were able to clean it out and figure out what the heck was wrong with it! After an hour, we finally were able to vacuum and now our carpets are nice and clean :) Hahaha love it!

Love you all so much! So grateful for this gospel! So glad I'm serving here in Bishop with Sister Dodson. She is my soul sister for sure. 
Love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!! :)

Sister Loar

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